If you have traditional (or removable) dentures, it is common to need a denture reline over the course of time. Denture relines require you to visit the dentist so that the surface of your denture can be re-fit to the tissues of your mouth. There are several types of relines, including hard and soft relines. Any type of denture reline, however, is designed to restore stability and comfort. With a tighter denture fit, there is also less chance of food getting stuck under your denture, so you’ll be protecting your gum health too!
Most patients know they need a reline when their denture starts to slip out of place. This can be disruptive and embarrassing, as it can happen during meal time or when speaking or laughing. The good news is that a qualified dentist can perform a reline to secure your dentures without having to get a full replacement set.
Why do your dentures get loose or fit differently than they did when you first got them? There are actually multiple reasons for this. The most common reason is gum resorption, which can occur as part of the natural aging process or as a result of bone loss in the jaw. When a natural tooth is lost or extracted, the underying bone no longer gets enough stimulation to retain its density and form. Once the bone shrinks, the gums will also resorb and the gum ridge that your denture rests upon changes shape. In turn, your dentures won’t fit like they used to!
While bone loss and gum shrinkage is the most likely culprit, denture relines can also be required due to the following:
- Age & condition of the denture
- Infection in the area
- Absorbing bone in the jaw
- Water retention
- Weight gain or loss
There’s no hard set rule about when you’ll need a denture reline, as every mouth is different. However, in general, you should consider a denture reline every 2 to 3 years, as this is the typical amount of time it takes for bite and tissue changes to take place. Keep in mind that an ill-fitting denture can eventually accelerate the erosion of soft tissues and bone, so don’t ignore your need for a reline.Dentures can be an excellent and hassle-free solution to teeth replacement. But patients should have a clear understanding that proper maintenance and relines are key to their success. At Muccioli Dental, we are pleased to offer denture relines and repairs for our patients. Call now to schedule your appointment with one of our talented restorative dentists.
Posted on behalf of Dr. Randy Muccioli, Muccioli Dental
Muccioli Dental - Johns Creek Dentist
6300 Hospital Pkwy, Suite 275
Johns Creek, Georgia 30097
Phone: (678) 389-9955