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How Well Do You Know Your Teeth?

You show them off to others. You use them to eat and speak. You spend time cleaning them twice a day. But how well do you really know your teeth? Your teeth are more sophisticated than you may think. By understanding the parts of a tooth and how your teeth are designed to function, it…

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Caring for Dental Implants

It’s true; dental implants really are designed to last a lifetime. They are longer lasting, more durable and easier to care for compared to any other tooth replacement option available, including dentures. However, dental implants are not invincible. They must be properly cared for if you want to maximize your investment and benefit from life-long…

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The Trouble With Wisdom Teeth

If you’ve heard any buzz about wisdom teeth, it probably isn’t good. Unfortunately, this third set of molars is known for causing problems. Because wisdom teeth are positioned in the far back of your mouth, lack of jaw space is a common obstacle to for these final molars to emerge properly. Without adequate room, wisdom…

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Can Children Get Gum Disease?

You may associate periodontal disease with aging adults or those who smoke. However, gum disease is not restricted by age. Gum disease begins with the onset of excessive bacteria and plaque buildup along the teeth and gum line. This is typically found in patients who don’t follow diligent oral hygiene habits – whether they are…

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Why Flossing Shouldn’t be Optional

There are three recommended components to a healthy smile: brushing twice a day, flossing daily and seeing your dentist every six months. Which one are you missing? For nearly half of us, flossing is the habit we slack on. In fact, 49% of Americans say they do not floss on a daily basis, and about…

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Do I Need Urgent Dental Treatment?

Accidents are never welcome, but they do happen. When unexpected trauma or injury occurs in the mouth, it can be especially frightening. Whether you woke up with a sudden toothache or your child bumped his front teeth on the monkey bars, it is not always easy to determine whether you need an emergency dental visit….

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