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Let’s Talk About Teeth Grinding

Teeth grinding, also known as bruxism, is not uncommon. Patients of all ages are subject to this oral habit. While clenching and grinding can occur during the day, it is most often performed during nighttime sleep. Unfortunately, there are more significant concerns with grinding teeth at night because that’s when the forces can be greater…

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Caring For Your Toothbrush

Your toothbrush is one of the most important hygiene items that you own. It should be used twice a day for two minutes each time. When used correctly, your toothbrush can scrub away stains, eliminate harmful bacteria and remove food debris before oral health problems set in. In result, your toothbrush is your most powerful…

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Scaling and Root Planing: What to Expect

Gum disease is one of the most common, yet most serious, oral health conditions. In its early stages, periodontal disease can be reversed with better oral hygiene habits. However, if the infection and inflammation in the gums is not improving, a scaling and root planing is often recommended as the next line of treatment. Scaling…

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4 Ways Stress Can Impact Your Smile Health

In our busy, fast-paced society, stress is all too common. We know that stress affects several systems in our body, and your oral health is not excluded. Whether it is a temporary tense circumstance in your life or years of chronic stress, your mouth can suffer the consequences. Stress can induce the following factors that…

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Vitamins for a Healthy Smile

Despite what we’ve been told about a healthy and balanced diet, many of us fall short in getting the nutrients and vitamins our bodies need for optimal health. Your dental health is no different. In fact, your teeth and gums require a certain set of vitamins to stay strong, ward off decay and fight gum…

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The Danger of DIY Dentistry

There is a reason why dentists exist. A board-certified dentist undergoes years of specialized training to be able to properly care for your teeth and gums. From oral health issues to cosmetic improvements, your smile should be handled by someone who carries the necessary credentials and qualifications to do so. Unless you are a dentist…

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