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Can Children Get Gum Disease?

You may associate periodontal disease with aging adults or those who smoke. However, gum disease is not restricted by age. Gum disease begins with the onset of excessive bacteria and plaque buildup along the teeth and gum line. This is typically found in patients who don’t follow diligent oral hygiene habits – whether they are…

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Why Flossing Shouldn’t be Optional

There are three recommended components to a healthy smile: brushing twice a day, flossing daily and seeing your dentist every six months. Which one are you missing? For nearly half of us, flossing is the habit we slack on. In fact, 49% of Americans say they do not floss on a daily basis, and about…

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Say Cheese for a Healthy Smile

When it comes to protecting your oral health with your diet, you probably know to stay away from sugary treats and acidic drinks. But did you know that there are certain foods that are good for your smile? Cheese is a perfect example. Not only is cheese safe for your teeth, this dairy choice can…

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Caring For Your Toothbrush

Your toothbrush is one of the most important hygiene items that you own. It should be used twice a day for two minutes each time. When used correctly, your toothbrush can scrub away stains, eliminate harmful bacteria and remove food debris before oral health problems set in. In result, your toothbrush is your most powerful…

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4 Ways Stress Can Impact Your Smile Health

In our busy, fast-paced society, stress is all too common. We know that stress affects several systems in our body, and your oral health is not excluded. Whether it is a temporary tense circumstance in your life or years of chronic stress, your mouth can suffer the consequences. Stress can induce the following factors that…

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Vitamins for a Healthy Smile

Despite what we’ve been told about a healthy and balanced diet, many of us fall short in getting the nutrients and vitamins our bodies need for optimal health. Your dental health is no different. In fact, your teeth and gums require a certain set of vitamins to stay strong, ward off decay and fight gum…

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